IOCC SuperBowl of Caring -Nov 9,16
IOCC Souper Bowl of Caring 2025- Together We Can Tackle Hunger.Help us score a victory against hunger by donating nonperishable food for our local Howard County Food Bank (Loaves and Fishes) and/or donating money to support the International Orthodox Christian Charities(IOCC) work across the globe. Our collections will be for two Sundays - February 9 and 16 in the Narthex
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Mailing Address
Orthodox Church of Saint Matthew
P.O. Box 2003
Columbia, MD 21045
P.O. Box 2003
Columbia, MD 21045
7271 Eden Brook Drive
Columbia, MD 21046
Columbia, MD 21046
Email and Phone
15Feb(Hall Reserved 9-3)
3:00 Cookoff Setup (hall)
5:00pm Great Vespers
6:00pm Chili Cookoff (hall)Sun
16Feb9:15 3rd Hour
9:30 Divine LiturgyWed
19FebLadies' & Men's Dinner - 6PM
Bushel And A Peck Kitchen and Bar
Clarksville MD